Many people ask us how we came up with the name "Volaire". Believe it or not, coming up with a business name is one of the most difficult parts of the entire process. We had gone through many different names and nothing had clicked. One day Caden was surfing the internet and came across the word "Volare" (Pronounced Vol-are-E) which is an Italian race car. He then looked up the meaning which meant "to soar or fly". Caden text me this word and immediately I loved it. He told me what it meant and I thought it was the perfect fit for us. That is exactly what we strive to do. We help people "fly or soar" to their ultimate goals. So we decided to tweak the word a bit to make it fit us. Thus became "VOLAIRE" (pronounced Voh-lair)!!
This has become the biggest journey for us and we are so excited to share this with everyone!!!
We love you all!! Thank you for your continued love and support!!
-- Caden & Meg