As I mentioned in my post from Vegas, I purchased the amazing PMD at the Spa & Wellness show and I have fallen in love! This product is amazing! PMD stands for "Personal Microdermabrasion". What I love about this product is that it can be used in a professional setting (such as Volaire :) ) or it can even be purchased for someone to use at home!
I am so excited to be adding Microderm as a service at Volaire. Many of my clients ask me exactly what a microdermabrasion is and what are the benefits.
Here is a little about it: It is a noninvasive form of exfoliation and mild skin resurfacing. It removes dead skin cells from the outer most layer of the skin. It is amazing at treating acne, fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes, scarring and pigmentation. While performing a microdermabrasion treatment, as the skin is exfoliated on this top layer, breaking apart these "imperfections" listed above, this triggers the body's healing mechanism to remove the dead skin cells and rapidly replace it with new and healthy ones!
The one thing that I have loved about the PMD is that it also has a vacuum suction with the exfoliation. The combination of the two reduces the formation of blemishes. The vacuum achieves this by clearing out the clogged pores and releasing all that trapped dirt and oil, leaving the skin more clear and vibrant!
I used to this for the first time last week and have only used it once. My dead skin flaked off for a few days and afterwards it looked and felt so amazing!! I can't wait to try it again :)
Doing microdermabrasion is always best in a series, if you are looking for serious results...however they are still great as a refresher for your skin.
We offer this service at Volaire... and I also purchased one to sell if anyone is interested in buying their own PMD. If I have several people interested I will definitely get more! :) I use and sell the "pro" version, which offers more settings and that is not sold in stores, only by Licensed Estheticians.
Please contact me if you would like any other information. I would be more than happy to answer any questions!